Donate to help students attend the 2026 IUSSI conference in Freiburg, Germany

We are now using Zeffy for specific fundraising efforts. The current effort is to gather funds to support student travel to IUSSI 2026 in Germany. Check the link/website for it here.

The Challenge

For students from minoritized communities and low-income countries, attending international scientific conferences presents both challenges and invaluable opportunities. Financial constraints often make it difficult for them to cover conference costs (approx. £3,000 for the International Congress). However, participation in these conferences provides access to cutting-edge research, networking opportunities with global experts, and exposure to diverse perspectives. It fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and enhances their academic and professional development, ultimately contributing to their scientific growth and broader impact in their communities.

Our Goal

We plan to raise $12,000 to support student travel. Given that it costs approximately $3,000 for a student to attend the international meeting, our goal is to support four students or partially support more. These student travel awards will be distributed by the IUSSI-NAS Awards committee, as they have in the past in the 2022 San Diego IUSSI meeting.