June 16, 2025. Huatulco, Mexico. In conjunction with PODC 2025.
>>> BDA 2025 website <<<
We are excited to announce the 11th workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms (BDA). The aim of the workshop is to foster and support collaborative research between biologists and distributed-computing theory researchers. Such research can lead to a better understanding of the behavior of the biological systems while at the same time developing novel algorithms that can be used to solve basic distributed-computing problems. We invite presentations related to any biological system, but we are particularly focused on relationships between distributed computing and distributed biological systems (including the analysis and case studies that combine the two).
We solicit submissions of extended abstracts describing recent publications, preliminary results, or ongoing work relevant to biological distributed computing. Selected contributors would be asked to present, discuss, and defend their work at the workshop. Please submit your work to the BDA 2025 conference page on Microsoft CMT (please refer to this documentation page for guidance if necessary).
Submissions should be in PDF and include title, author information, and a 4-page extended abstract.
The deadline for extended abstracts is April 1st, 2025 pm at 11:59 pm PST.
Important Dates
5 April 2024: Extended abstract submission deadline
03 May 2024: Decision notifications
17 June 2024: Workshop
Financial Support
Depending on the number of accepted submissions, financial support may be available to subsidise the cost of PODC workshop registration fees for presenters.
Workshop Chairs
Arjun Chandrasekhar – Southwestern University
Frederik Mallmann-Trenn – King’s College London
Yannic Maus – TU Graz
Ted Pavlic – Arizona State University
Program Committee
Anna Dornhaus – University of Arizona
Joshua Daymude – Arizona State University
Amos Korman – University of Haifa
Nancy Lynch – MIT
Melanie Moses, University of New Mexico
Saket Navlakha – Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Nicola Santoro – Carleton University
Luiz Pessoa – University of Maryland