Please submit any meeting announcements to
Upcoming meetings
IUSSI International Congress, Freiburg 2026
- Deadline for Submission of Symposia: 1.1.2025
- Deadline for Submission of Abstracts for Posters and Talks: 31.12.2025 (decisions by 28.2.2026)
- Deadline for Early Bird Registration: 31.1.2026
- Final deadline for registration: 31.3.2026

Meetings Archive
IUSSI-NAS business meeting at Entomological Society of America, Phoenix, AZ
- 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM MST Monday, November 11, 2024
UPDATE: Here are the meeting notes and slides that were presented!
2024 IUSSI-NAS Breakout Meeting, Prescott, AZ
August 5-9, 2024 | Prescott, Arizona | Campway (

2024 Breakout Meeting page here.

Advances in Bee Health virtual meeting
The Status of Pollinators in North America report released by the National Research Council in 2007 sounded the alarm the populations of pollinators upon which we depend on for ecological stability and agricultural productivity might be at risk. Events since then have proven the report to be all too prescient, with alarmingly losses and extinctions especially for bees, the most important pollinators on the planet. This session will highlight some of the latest advances in promoting bee health involving research on nutrition, microbiome, genomic-based breeding, nesting biology, social immunity, and landscape management. The webcast will be available at 11:30 a.m. EDT on Sunday, April 26. For more information:
2022 International IUSSI Congress, San Diago

The National Conference on Urban Entomology (NCUE)
The next conference is May 17-20, 2020 at the Renaissance Riverview in Mobile, AL. Sign up here to receive conference announcements (for 2020 and years to come). Registration, the hotel block, call for papers, and an opportunity for travel awards are all available now. You can view the details of all these as well as the proceedings (including attendance lists) from past conferences at
2020 European IUSSI meeting
The European meeting of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (EU-IUSSI) held in Toulouse, France, from August 24th to 26th, 2020, at the University Paul Sabatier.
7th Workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms (BDA 2019)
July 29, 2019 in Toronto, CA. Co-located with PODC 2019:
Termite Course 2019 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL
The Termite Course 2019 took an international dimension! We now have 12 speakers covering more than 45h of material in comprehensive workshop, covering “everything” termite. See attached for more information.
Biennial General Meeting, Andean-Caribbean Section of the IUSSI
The Andean-Caribbean Section of the IUSSI will meet in Quito, the capital of Ecuador on 5-9 August. In previous years we have met in Colombia, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago and Venezuela, but never before in Ecuador, so we are very pleased to extend our geographic reach.
The third announcement and call for abstracts is found here in Spanish.
The Apimondia 2019 World Apicultural Congress in Montreal, Canada
IUSSI International Congress in San Diego 2022
IUSSI-NAS will host the international congress in San Diego July 3-8th, 2022. See the attached pdf that includes delightful information about the venue, pricing considerations, and other fun things to do while in San Diego.
Questions? Interested in helping with meeting organization? Contact the new President of IUSSI and chair of the organizing committee, Jennifer Fewell.
IUSSI-NAS Break-out Meeting 2020 in Portal, AZ
2019 University of Florida Termite Course
See the attached PDF for the full program. The event will take place on June 3-8 2019 in Ft Lauderdale, Florida (USA). Registrations and information at: https://conference.ifas.ufl.
Weaving the Future of Animal Behavior (WFAB) workshops
A new professional-development opportunity for early-career animal behavior scientists
Our goal is to advance the future of animal behavior science by supporting and promoting the efforts of early-career professionals through workshops, symposia, and long-term, multi-level mentoring.
May 16-18, 2019 Symposium (We Ko Pa resort and Conference Center near Scottsdale, AZ)
July 23-27, 2019 ABS Workshops (Chicago): With support from the Animal Behavior Society, we will also host 1-day workshops immediately before the ABS meetings, beginning on July 23 at the “Behaviour 2019” conference in Chicago.
2019 International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health and Policy
The 2019 conference will be held at UC Davis from July 17-20, 2019, and is organized by Neal Williams (UC Davis), Elina Lastro Nino (UC Davis) and Rufus Isaacs (Michigan State). More info can be found here: