Author: Horace Zeng
The 11th Workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms (BDA 2025)
June 16, 2025. Huatulco, Mexico. In conjunction with PODC 2025. >>> BDA 2025 website <<< Introduction We are excited to announce the 11th workshop on Biological Distributed Algorithms (BDA). The aim of the workshop is to foster and support collaborative research between biologists and distributed-computing theory researchers. Such research can lead to a better understanding of…
PhD Student Fellowship opportunity at Auburn
Auburn runs a special Presidential Fellowship geared towards attracting superb students to our Ph.D. programs. The fellowship includes a $47,000 annual salary for 3 years ($22,000 annual fellowship on top of our department’s usual $25,000 annual graduate research assistantship). A tuition waiver is also included. Full details can be found here: Start date would be…
Extension Research Associate with USDA Baton Rouge Honey Bee Lab and LSU
An Extension Associate Position with Louisiana State University is now open for applications. This position will be located at the USDA-ARS Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics and Physiology laboratory under Dr. Mike Simone-Finstrom, though will be an employee of LSU. This is one of three positions (a second Extension Assoc position along with a postdoc that…
SUNY Plattsburgh Assistant Professor Position in Genetics
The Department of Biological Sciences at Suny Plattsburgh is looking for a geneticist. The position is for a tenure-track assistant professor. We are primarily a teaching institution located in upstate New York. This would be an ideal match for someone who has excellent and innovative teaching skills, and who can run a research program with undergraduates. The main…
2026 International Congress Updates and Election Results
Latest Updates from IUSSI 1. Call for Symposia: 2026 Congress The Call for Symposia for the 2026 Congress is now open! Submissions will be accepted until 31st March 2025. Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute your exciting ideas to help make the conference a success.👉 See the full Call for Symposia here and start preparing…
REEU program at NC State
If you are an undergraduate science major who is interested in pursuing a career in STEM, there is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills while studying the interface between microbes and bees. BeeMORE is a USDA-funded Research and Extension Experience for Undergraduates (REEU) who are interested in significantly advancing their research skills in the field, the laboratory,…
Postdoc Position: impact of parasitic bees on a tropical bee community
Using eDNA to study the impact of parasitic bees on a tropical bee community The role The role holder will plan and perform research to study how parasitic robbers bees of the genus Lestrimelitta impact other social bee species in a tropical bee community in Brazil. You will develop an approach that uses eDNA metabarcoding to identify…
Postdoctoral Position at ASU: Function and Evolution of Insect Societies
To apply: Postdoctoral Research Scholar: Function and Evolution of Insect Societies Location Tempe Campus, Arizona State University Open Date Nov 14, 2024 Description We are seeking an excellent recent Ph.D. for a postdoctoral position focused on the function and evolution of insect societies. Multiple models of southwestern species are possible, but harvester ants and…
Graduate student positions in insect genomics and evolution in Jones lab at U Kentucky
The lab of Dr. Beryl Jones at the University of Kentucky (Department of Entomology) is recruiting graduate students for Fall 2025. Students will join a growing research group focused on the genomic and environmental factors shaping social plasticity in bees. Research Focus Student projects will investigate gene regulatory changes associated with evolutionary transitions in bee…
Two PhD Scholarships: Invasive Bumblebee Ecology in Tasmania
Dr. James Makinson‘s lab at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University, Australia, is seeking two outstanding PhD candidates to join a groundbreaking research project funded by Hort Innovation. The project, titled “Progress on bumble bees as commercial pollinators in Australia: update on risks and opportunities”, focuses on studying the ecology of…