Category: News & Announcements (& uncategoried)
IUSSI-NAS annual business meeting
Please mark your calendars for our annual IUSSI-NAS business meeting held in conjunction with the annual Entomology meeting. It will be held virtually on Tuesday, Nov. 2 from 6-7pm Mountain Standard Time. We will give updates on the new award, finances for the year and announce the winners of our elections and student awards. Check your email for…
Postdoctoral position in honey bee microbe interactionsPostdoctoral position in honey bee microbe interactions
The lab of Adam Dolezal in the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate as part of a funded project to study how the honey bee microbiome interacts with other environmental factors to affect honey bee health, physiology, and behavior. Please see full job ad here. Review of applications will…
Call for nominations for Eickwort and LaFage Student Awards
Please see the attached flyer for information on the George C. Eickwort Student Research Award and the Jeffery P. La Fage Student Award for Applied Research on Social Insects. Applications are due by Oct. 29, 2021.
Postdoctoral position studying genetic conflict in social systems
The Goodisman Lab in the School of Biological Sciences at Georgia Tech seeks a postdoctoral fellow interested in studying questions focused on genetic conflict. The successful candidate would study the causes and consequences of genetic conflict on social behavior and evolution. This research program investigates the link between sociality and evolution using genetic approaches in…
THE BETZ ENDOWED CHAIR PROFESSORSHIP IN ECOLOGY The BEES (Biodiversity Earth & Environmental Science) Department of Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA invites applications for a tenure-track Professor at the Associate level or higher for the endowed Betz Chair of Ecology. We invite outstanding researchers whose work focuses on urban ecology, conservation, global change, climate change impacts and adaptation, or coupled human-natural systems. Candidates…
2021 IUSSI-NAS call for nominations for officers
*****2021* Elections Committee Message****** We are seeking nominations for President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, 2 seats on the Awards Committee, 1 seat on the Elections Committee, and 1 seat on the Social Media Committee. Please nominate yourself or other members who you feel would be well qualified for the job (self-nominations are very much encouraged). Please email your nominations to…
Re-launch of African section IUSSI
Eusocial greetings to you. We are happy to announce that the long-awaited African Section of the IUSSI is about to be re-launched. Currently, we have social insect researchers from 10 African countries who are very enthusiastic to provide a strong African voice to the IUSSI. The online inauguration symposium of our section will take place…
Postdoctoral Positions in Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics, York University
The honey bee lab ( at York University’s Dept. of Biology (Toronto, Canada) has several positions available starting Fall of 2021. Projects include: 1) Ecological genomics and pollinator health: BeeCSI ( is a Canada-wide research project that aims to identify stressor specific biomarkers for use in pollination conservation and management. We are looking for a…
#IUSSI2022 Symposia proposals deadline extended to July 15
If you were thinking you’d like to put together an awesome symposium at next year’s International IUSSI Congress in San Diego and missed the deadline. Great news…the deadline has been extended to July 15! The guidelines and instructions are available here: The Congress is going to be a great venue for rebuilding research networks…
Wild Bee Behavioural Genomics and Molecular Ecology Positions (1 postdoc + 1 technician)
The Rehan Lab ( is hiring 2 positions to study behavioural genomics and molecular ecology of wild bees. The Rehan lab is a collaborative group of researchers, staff, and students focusing on bee behaviour, ecology and evolution. We are located at York University in Toronto, Canada. The candidates will join a vibrant team of integrative…