Category: News & Announcements (& uncategoried)
Join Social Insect Network (SI-Net) Slack Workspace
During the animal behavior meeting, Social Insect Network (SI-Net) Slack Workspace was organized. The happy hours are a monthly space to share job opportunities and research. It’s an especially nice modality for post docs and grad students to use to network. It would also be great to get this out more broadly to the social insect…
Opportunity for two funded graduate student positions at the University of Florida Urban Entomology Lab
The subterranean termite laboratory at the University of Florida IFAS, located at the Ft Lauderdale Research and Education Center, under the supervision of Dr. Nan-Yao Su and Dr. Thomas Chouvenc, is looking to hire two graduate students who are interested in studying various aspect of termite biology, ranging from evolution, ecology, behavior, physiology and control.…
IUSSI 2021 newsletter
Please see the attached newsletter for 2021 IUSSI updates.
2022 IUSSI International Congress Call for Symposium Proposals
The Organizing Committee for the 19th IUSSI International Congress is pleased to invite proposals for meeting symposia. These symposia will account for half of the talks presented at the Congress, with the remainder consisting of contributed talks organized by the Program Committee into thematic sessions. Speakers who commit to a symposium should be aware that…
BeeMORE undergraduate research program at NC State, Summer 2021
If you are an undergraduate science major who is interested in pursuing a career in STEM, there is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills while studying the interface between microbes and bees. BeeMORE is a USDA-funded Research and Extension Experience for Undergraduates who are interested in significantly advancing their research skills in the field, the laboratory, or…
Join us in congratulating Christina M. Grozinger!
A big congratulations to our IUSSI-NAS member Christina Grozinger. “Christina M. Grozinger, Pennsylvania State University, will receive the NAS Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences for helping the world understand how to address the pollinator crisis. The award is presented with a $100,000 prize” You can read more about the award here:
The Rittschof Lab (University of Kentucky) is recruiting graduate students!
Please see the link for more information about the graduate student position open in the Rittschof lab. Rittschof_GraduateStudent2021
Postdoctoral research position in the Li-Byarlay lab
Please see the link for more information about the postdoctoral research position open in the Li-Byarlay lab.
PhD positions in ant community ecology and social insect physiology or behavior
Please see attached flyer for 2 opportunities for PhD positions in The Baudier Lab in the school of Biological, Environmental and Earth Sciences at the University of Southern Mississippi Graduate position social insect physiology and behavior Graduate position available in ant ecology Deadline Feb. 15, 2021.
Spivak Lab Postdoctoral Position
Dr. Marla Spivak (Bee Lab, Department of Entomology, University of Minnesota) and Dr. Declan Schroeder (Virologist, Dept of Population Veterinary Medicine, UMN) are seeking a post-doctoral researcher with microbiology and molecular biology skills to assist with honey bee related research related to mechanisms of social immunity and virus transmission. This is a two-year position. We…