We did it! Michener Award

Dear Colleagues, Friends, and Family,

I am excited to let you know that we have completed our fund drive for the Michener Award, a graduate student scholarship that will recognize excellence in research on bees.

This award is named after Charles Michener (1918-2015), a member of the IUSSI-NAS who was admired as a teacher, mentor, and colleague. His lifetime love of bees drove his science, the careers of his many students, and our fundamental understanding of the biology and taxonomy of the bees.

I would like to especially thank Gene Robinson and Michael Breed for all their help in this campaign, to which more than 40 people inside and outside of our society contributed. Thanks to the help of our generous contributors, we raised $36,596 in just four months.

Now that we have reached (and exceeded) our original goal of $30,000, the official fund drive is over, but we are still happy to accept new donations. All funds will go towards Michener Awards.

This is a wonderful example of collective action for good. Thank you all!

James Nieh
IUSSI-NAS Treasurer

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