Wild Bee Microbial Ecology and Landscape Genomics Post-doc Position

The Rehan Lab (www.rehanlab.com) is hiring a postdoc to study landscape
genomics and microbial ecology of wild bees. The candidates will join a
collaborative group of researchers, staff, and students focusing on bee
health, behaviour, and conservation. We are located at York University
in Toronto, Canada.

This position will examine metagenomics of wild bees to determine
their dietary breadth and microbial ecology across landscapes. The
successful candidate will have technical expertise in molecular biology
and bioinformatics. Writing and analytical skills as well as familiarity
with microbiome and genomic data are highly desirable.

York University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages
applications from women and underrepresented groups. If interested,
please send a CV, names of three references, and a short statement of
interests to Sandra Rehan sanrehan@yorku.ca by September 16, 2020. The
postdoctoral  position is available for one year (starting as soon as
October 2020 and as late as January 2021) and renewable up to three
years with successful progress and performance.

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