Winner of 2021 LaFage award

The Jeffery P. La Fage Student Award for Applied Research on Social Insects recognizes a graduate student for distinguished research and scholarly activity on social insects, with an emphasis on applied projects. The award consists of a certificate and an honorarium.

We are pleased. to announce the winner of the Jeffery P. La Fage Student Award for Applied Research on Social Insects is Maggie Shanahan. 

A brief description of her research “My research examines the use of plant resins, or propolis, by honey bees and stingless bees. Specifically, I study the ways in which this antimicrobial nest construction material impacts the immune function of individual bees and the strength of the colony as a whole. I also work alongside beekeepers and researchers at El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, the University of Minnesota, and the United States Department of Agriculture to evaluate beehive designs that encourage propolis collection and bolster colony health.”

Congratulations, Maggie!

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