Category: News & Announcements (& uncategoried)
2021 IUSSI-NAS annual newsletter
Please see our annual IUSSI-NAS newsletter written by our past president Karen Kapheim. IUSSINAS_WinterNewsletter2022
Applications due for West-Eberhard Prize for a Junior Scientist
The Mary Jane West-Eberhard Prize for a Junior Scientist was established by the IUSSI in 2018 and will be awarded for the first time in 2022. Members of all IUSSI sections have been invited to nominate promising junior scientists from any section to represent those sections. Junior members of IUSSI sections in good standing can also self-nominate to…
USDA Research Computational Biologist (Postdoctoral Research Associate) Position
Description of Duties: The USDA-ARS “Beenome100” Initiative will sequence 100+ reference quality genomes of diverse bee species and we seek an outstanding postdoctoral researcher to assist with this project and to co-lead efforts to analyze and publish new and existing data. This position is an ARS administrator-funded postdoc within the “Big Data/Artificial Intelligence” category and…
BeeMORE undergraduate research program at NC State, Summer 2022
If you are an undergraduate science major who is interested in pursuing a career in STEM, there is an exciting opportunity to develop your skills while studying the interface between microbes and bees. BeeMORE is a USDA-funded Research and Extension Experience for Undergraduates (REEU) who are interested in significantly advancing their research skills in the field, the laboratory,…
Summer 2022 Research Positions for Undergraduates at the University of Kentucky
Dr. Clare Rittschof’s lab at the University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY) is recruiting undergraduate students to participate in research projects funded by the National Science Foundation during Summer 2022. Description of opportunity: Honey bees live in large cooperative colonies. Individual “worker bees” work together to manage the needs of the colony, including collecting food, producing…
Remembering E. O. Wilson
We thought some of you might be interested in this tribute by one of our IUSSI-NAS members Mark Moffett remembering Edward O. Wilson.
Winner of 2021 LaFage award
The Jeffery P. La Fage Student Award for Applied Research on Social Insects recognizes a graduate student for distinguished research and scholarly activity on social insects, with an emphasis on applied projects. The award consists of a certificate and an honorarium. We are pleased. to announce the winner of the Jeffery P. La Fage Student…
Texas Tech University: Postdoc in developmental genetics and evolution of obligate sterility
The Linksvayer Lab in the Department of Biological Sciences at Texas Tech University in collaboration with Arjuna Rajakumar (McGill University) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher for a new four-year funded NSF project: Evolutionary developmental systems genetics of obligate sterility in ants. This project is funded through the US NSF Enabling Discovery through GEnomic Tools (EDGE)…
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH POSITION IN HONEY BEE BIOLOGY, NORTH CAROLINA, USA North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC), Life Sciences Branch—U.S. Army Research Office (Research Triangle Park, NC), and University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB) We are looking for one PhD-level scientist to join a collaborative research team on a project studying honey bee health, stress resistance, and…
Termite Course 2022 is On
The program for the International Termite Course 2022 is available and registration to the event is now open! Please share ! It will take place in Florida, just before the IUSSI meeting in San Diego.